Wednesday, June 20, 2012

33 weeks 5 days

Just a quick update on my weekly check up from today. I received the c-section packet with my surgery scheduled for July 6,2012 @ 7:30 am with a 5:30 am check in time. CRAZY!! Seems so surreal. I can't believe it is almost here. I also got the results of my bloodwork and 24 hr urine test which was done because my BP has been high. It seems I have mild pre-eclampsia. I have high protein but my liver enzymes and kidney function look great. So my doctor feels that if I really stick to bed rest I can push through 2 more weeks. My doctor is going out of the country next week and she really pushed the fact that I do strict bed rest because if I go to the doctor and my BP is high then another doctor may see that and want to admit me or deliver me. I don't want that. Every NST I go to I always have high BP the first time they take it and then after I relax and rest it always goes down to the normal range. So hopefully we can make it to my scheduled c-sec and my DR. will be here. We talked to UCSF and decided for peace of mind that we will travel down there tomorrow. This will give us a little more accurate assessment of how the girls are doing growth wise because I know they will thoroughly and accurately measure them more precisely than the perinatal doctor we see. My regular OB gave me her pager number to give to UCSF so she can get an update on how to proceed since she leaves the country the next day. I'm glad she is concerned and wants to get my status evaluated to help take care of me rather than leaving me high n dry when she goes to Korea for a week. She's been really wonderful. We are off to UCSF in the morning and I have an NST on Friday. Hopefully next week I can get through my 2 NST,s with no problems since my doc is out of town. I'll update after our appt tomorrow with UCSF.

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